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Das Resteblog von Christian Heller a.k.a. plomlompom. Wird benutzt für alles, was nicht in die anderen Blogs von ihm reinpasst. Hat also kein richtiges Thema. Gibt gar keinen Grund, hier mitzulesen.


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Selbstmordkult Tonbandaufzeichnung

Am 18. November 1978 beschloss Reverend James Warren “Jim” Jones des “Peoples Temple” für sich und seine Kolonie Jonestown in Guyana den kollektiven Selbstmord. Über neunhundert Menschen, darunter knapp ein Drittel Kinder, starben infolge freiwillig und unfreiwillig.

Es gibt eine fragmentarische Tonaufzeichnung (45min) des Ereignisses. Erstmal Jim Jones’ Worte an seine Schäfchen, kein Monolog, sondern ein Dialog. Die Entscheidung wird diskutiert. Es gibt (irgendwann niedergeschrieenen) Widerspruch einer Frau, Christine, die Jones’ Begründung implausibel findet. Nein, sie habe keine Angst vor dem Tod, aber sei es rechtens, den Kindern hier das Leben zu nehmen?

[Jones] I’m speaking here not as the administrator, I’m speaking as a prophet today… I wouldn’t sit up in this seat and talk so serious if I did not know what I was talking about. Is there any way to call back… the immense amount of damage that’s going to be done? But I cannot separate myself from the pain of my people. And you can’t either, Christine, if you stop to think of it. You can’t separate yourself. We’ve walked too long together.

Christine: I know that. But I still think, as an individual, I have a right to …

Jones: You do, I’m listening …

Christine: I think, what I feel, and I think we all have the right to our own destiny as individuals.

Jones: Right …

Christine: And I think I have the right to choose mine and everybody else has the right to choose theirs.

Jones: Mm-hmm …

Christine: You know ….

Jones: Mm-hmmm. I’m not criticizing, I’m not governing … What’s that?

Unidentified Woman (in background): She talks like she wants to leave us, well, she can go ahead … they’re our individual lives, that’s what you’re saying.

Christine: That’s right.

Jones: That’s today, that’s what twenty people said today with their lives.

Christine: I think that I still have the right to my own opinion.

Jones: I’m not taking it from you. I’m not taking it from you.

Unidentified Man: Christine, you’re only standing here because he was here in the first place. So I don’t know what you’re talking about having an individual life. Your life has been extended to the day that you’re standing there because of him.

Jones: Despite this, she has as much right to speak as anybody else, too. What did you say, Louvie (phonetic)? Well, you will regret that this very day if you don’t die. You’ll regret it if you don’t … that you don’t die. You’ll regret it.

(Aus dem FBI-Transskript des Tonbandes, aus dem auch die weiteren Zitate unten stammen.)

Tatsächlich wurde im weiteren Verlauf die Entscheidung zum Tod niemandem in der Kolonie freiwillig überlassen. Wer sich weigerte, den Schluck aus dem Giftkübel zu nehmen, bekam das Gift schließlich zwangsweise per Spritze injiziert oder wurde erschossen. Auf dem Tonband freilich hört man nur das offenbar nicht ganz irritationsfrei verlaufende Dirigieren der Schlange, die ruhig und zivilisiert das Gift entgegen nehmen soll, mit anschwellenden Phasen von Kindergeschrei.

[Unidentified Woman] There’s nothing to worry about, so everybody keep calm and try and keep your children calm. And the oldest children can help love the little children and reassure them. They’re not crying from pain. It’s just a little bitter tasting but, they’re not crying out of any pain.

Viele kommen zu Wort. Selbstversicherungen, das einzig Richtige zu tun. Gegenseitige Beruhigungen, dass es nichts Schlimmes sei.

[Unidentified Man] So let me tell you about it; it might make a lot of you feel a little more comfortable. Sit down and be quiet, please. One of the things that I used to do, I used to be a therapist. And the kind of therapy that I did had to do with reincarnation and past life situations. And every time anybody had the experience of going into a past life, I was fortunate enough to farther, to be able to let them experience it all the way through their death, so to speak. And everybody was so happy when they made that step to the other side.


Unidentified Woman: I just want to say something to everyone that I see that is standing around and are crying. This is nothing to cry about. This is something we should all rejoice about. We can be happy about this. They always told us that we should cry when you’re coming into this world, but when we’re leaving and we’re leaving it peaceful … I tell you, you should be happy about this. I was just thinking about Jim Jones. He just has suffered and suffered and suffered. He is the only god and he don’t even have a chance to enjoy his death here.

Den spirituell-mystizistischen Memen von Reinkarnation bis zum göttlichen Erlöserleiden treten andere, politischere hinzu. Man muss für das folgende Zitat wissen, dass einer der Namen der Anhänger Jim Jones’ für ihn “Dad” war:

Unidentified Man: […] And I’d just like to thank Dad for giving us life and also death, and I appreciate the fact the way our children are going because, like Dad said, when they came in, what they’re going to do to our children, they’re going to massacre our children. And also the ones they take, captive, they’re gonna just let them grow up and be dummies like they want them to be and not grow up to be Socialist like the one and only Jim Jones.


Jones: […] … die with respect, die with a degree of dignity. Lay down your life with dignity. Don’t lay down with tears and agony. It’s nothing to death, just like Max said. It’s just stepping over into another plane. Don’t, don’t be this way. Stop this hysterics… This is not the way for people who are socialistic Communists to die … no way for us to die. We must die with some dignity …

Die konstanten Aufforderungen zur Beruhigung deuten schon an, dass viele es nicht so ruhig aufnahmen. Es gibt auch immer wieder so Einiges an Aufruhr im Hintergrund zu hören in der Aufzeichnung.

Jones: … please, keep your emotions down, keep your emotions down … children, it will not hurt if you will be, if you’ll be quiet, if you’ll be quiet.
It’s been done by every tribe in history, every tribe facing annihilation. All the Indians in the Amazon are doing it now. They refuse to bring any babies into the world. They kill every child that comes into the world, because they don’t want to live in this kind of a world. So be patient, be patient … death is … I tell you I don’t care how many screams you hear, I don’t care how many anguished cries … death is a million times preferable to ten more days of this life. If you knew what was ahead of you, if you knew what was ahead of you, you’d be glad to be stepping over tonight.

Und am Ende: Stille. Das Tonband ist eines der verstörendsten Dokumente religiösen und kollektivistischen Wahns und seiner tödlichen Konsequenzen, das ich kenne. Es erinnert auch daran, dass Todeskult keine Erfindung islamistischer Terroristen ist.

Zudem gab das Ereignis im Englischen der Phrase “drinking the Kool-Aid” (in der auf einer Markenverwechslung basierenden Annahme, das Getränk, in das das Gift gemischt wurde, sei Kool-Aid gewesen) eine gewisse Bedeutungsschwere in Hinsicht auf das unhinterfragende Teilhaben an einem Kult.

(via Boing Boing: A Directory of Wonderful Things)


Wednesday February 20, 2008

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  1. thomas / 22. February 2008, 18:42 Uhr

    es gibt auch einen dokumentarfilm über die geschehnisse namens “jonestown”.

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